Super Kun Khmer 2 Turbo

super kun khmer ii turbo

mural commission // AUG 31, 2023 // C. KEO 

One of the greatest fighting game of all time is Street Fighter 2. It revolutionized the gaming industry in the 90’s. Imprinted in our brains, it’s one childhood memory that many of us share, and so as the client for this mural. Being the owner of Kingdom Fight Gym, a Kun Khmer gym in the heart of Phnom Penh, and with many shared interests, makes it easier to design something that we both like. Street fighter 2 and Kun Khmer are the perfect ingredients to represent our contemporaries.

Why the Super Kun Khmer 2 Turbo and not just Kun Khmer 2? Well, please read both again out loud. Do you hear the difference? Super 2 Turbo just sounds better. Simple as that.

The challenge here was the gradient, painting this works better with spray cans. I’m not used to spray cans, yet, so I needed to find a solution. 
I also found it more challenging to see if I could pull this off using just paint and brushes. I had to mix each color shade and paint them one by one, then try to blend the edges together. A total of 30 different colors were used for this mural.


The dimensions of this wall are 2.6m x 2m