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Hi, I’m Cheerted Keo, alias RYYSA – ឫស. This started as a personal art project with a means of exploring my roots. My diverse background of growing up in the Netherlands with Cambodian descent has inspired my exploration of the intersection between Eastern and Western cultures.

With my dual cultural identity and art as the driving force in my life, they have led me to create pieces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also carry a deeper message. 
My work is a reflection of my identity and the world around me, not just a means of expression, but a way to bring people together and create a sense of community.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my page, and I look forward discussing how I can contribute to our next project.

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  • Academy for the arts and design Saint Joost, Breda, the Netherlands.
  • Major in illustration and minor in fine arts.
  • Fashion & Confection, ROC Tilburg, the Netherlands.


+855 (0)96 255 6390